Bollywood on the Block

March 29, 2025, 3:00 PM
Camp Concert Hall

Get ready for a dance performance that's a Blast from the Past! UR's Hip-Hop group Block Crew and South Asian fusion team Bollywood Jhatkas present a two-part dance experience: Bollywood on the Block! For one night only, this joint showcase features student-choreography and cover dance performances with music spanning through decades of Bollywood and Hip-Hop music. Both dance organizations will each run 45-minute sets you won’t want to miss, with a 10-minute intermission. Bring family and friends to witness this exciting collection of dance this spring!

This event is FREE and open to the public. Tickets are required. All are welcome. Sign up today to save your spot!

Contact: Modlin Center Box Office, (804) 289-8980

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