Kardeş Türküler

March 01, 2025, 7:30 PM
Camp Concert Hall

Adult $60/40/20 | Non-UR Student/Youth $10 | UR Credited Student - Free

Kardeş Türküler is a music project that was founded in 1993 by a group of students in the Folklore Club of the Boğaziçi University in Istanbul. They perform folk songs and dances of Anatolia, Thrace, and Mesopotamia in their original languages, paying special attention to their cultural contexts. The group is known for their use of traditional Anatolian, Middle Eastern, and Balkan instruments, and they draw on the rich, varied musical cultures that are the band members' respective birthrights.

Kardeş Türküler has released eight albums, the most recent of which is entitled Yol, which means “The Road”. They regularly perform throughout Turkey and Europe, and Modlin Center is honored to present a rare U.S. engagement. Wherever they perform, the group wishes to foster the hope that people from diverse cultures can live together in harmony.

Artist Website

Kardeş Türküler - Bu Kadar Parayı Sana Kim Verdi? [Official Video Clip © 2023 BGST Records]

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